Monday, November 12, 2012

Taper, taper, taper

In a great effort to get warm after this frigid morning run, I took a hot shower and made some coffee.  Anyone who runs when it's 23 degrees outside is crazy.  Frost everywhere, or "farkles" as Adelle says (sparkles - she also calls "smarties" "farties."  We have her say that one all the time.  Or, "I'm so fart."  Haha!). My breath hangs in the air like a trail of smog.  My joints refuse to cooperate and warm up.  It's only 4 miles.  It's only 4 miles.  It's only 4 miles.

Race day is now only 6 days away.  I have trained my life away the past few months.  I'm so glad I took on the challenge and have almost reached my goal, but I'm also really glad it's almost over.  It's been hard for me to think too far beyond November 18th, but we're almost there.  It's like the anticipation of a due date - those last 6 weeks are brutal, and I'm about to go into labor.  Oh boy.


Katie said...

I can't believe it's so close. You are Super Woman. Hang in there, Super Woman. We shall soon be toasting to victory!

Or, you'll be toasting, and I'll be waving weakly from an EMSA stretcher. Whichever.

Amanda said...

I'm excited for you! Mayo, race, Mayo, massage. Sounds like an awesome weekend. :)


About Me

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I am the wife of an awesome man known to his friends as Fred :) The mom of four incredible kids, Hudson, Pierce, Alayna and Adelle. We homeschool and I teach a few classes at our local YMCA. Above all we love and worship Jesus Christ as Lord and this blog is a peek at our journey to raise children who delight in the Lord.