Stretching is probably one of the most neglected parts of exercise but it's one of the best things for you. We're stretching in more ways than one around here. The last couple of months have been pretty lean due to several unexpected expenses - one being the air conditioner motor. When it's 105 degrees every day, you can't go without the AC.
Anyway, one of the first things on the budget to get cut is the food budget. There are those days when I'm so tired that I can't possibly make lunch (insert sarcastic tone) so we drive through Chick-fil-a (okay, so maybe I'm just craving that deluxe chicken sandwich with provolone and a little caffeine on the side!). The last couple of months we haven't been driving through and I've been forced to overcome a little mommy-laziness and get creative - sometimes you have to think outside the pb&j box. Yesterday the kiddos were thrilled with bananas, raisins, cracker and cheese. Creativity and no money inspire incredible resourcefulness and sometimes some pretty awesome recipes. You can do amazing things with lentils and beans! (It's a special blessing when Mom has an "extra" flank steak too!)
Tight financial months also open your eyes to the amazing faithfulness of God. His timing and precision is perfect. I can't tell you how many times we've been blessed with a grocery gift card or money in the mail, a package of diapers on the porch, even a thank you note from a friend with a little Sonic gift card inside ( You know who you are. Thank you!)! This kind of stretching also keeps us dependent on God and seeking Him.
My kids' faith is growing through this too. The other day we were driving out to a friend's house. I forgot the directions and my cell phone was dead. We drove around the neighborhood for awhile and I was about to give up when Hudson said, "Mom, you could pray." Right, good idea five-year-old! We prayed and, sure enough, we found it around the next turn! Hudson said, "I knew God would answer that prayer."
Last night I was saying goodnight to the boys. Hudson (no prompting from David or me) said, "I think I'm not going to play on the computer or my video games on Sundays anymore."
I said, "Really, what made you decide that?"
He said, "Oh I just thought it would be a good idea. I think I should just pray and do other things because my Bible says it's God's day and I think that's what He would want me to do." For real?! What mother who prays for the hearts of her children every day wouldn't be glowing, bursting, and weeping?! I'm amazed to see the Holy Spirit at work.
Then there's the stretching that occurs in me homeschooling three kids and nursing a baby. I'll share a little deeper look at that sometime. I'm glad there's not a camera on us most of the time! We have fun and we learn a lot and this mommy gets to practice just about every fruit of the Spirit or ask forgiveness later!
So, a little stretching is no big deal, especially when it's building such strong faith, not just in me, but in my children.
On a lighter note, David shaved the goatee and surprised me with this:
It's all shaved off now. Aren't we all glad!