I celebrated my 21st birthday in Australia as a completely different person than I am today. I worked there for two years and met David. I was 23 when we got married, and nine months later we had Hudson. It's all kind of a blur from there. 22 months later we had Pierce. 21 months later we had Alayna. And 22 months after that we had Adelle. I know other stuff happened in the last nine years, but I might as well just touch on the high notes. Now here I am, married and four kids later and I'm 30. I feel like I'm not just entering a new decade, but a new era, a new phase of life. As far as my plans go the childbearing era has come to a close. I'm getting in shape for the last time (I've gained and lost 35lbs four times - that qualifies as a high note!).
I have a few goals for my thirties:
1. To become a woman of prayer. I pray all the time, I'm just not usually on my knees. When I wake up I pray to see God's new mercies (though sometimes it might sound like, "Lord, have mercy."!!) I pray throughout the day. But I really want to develop the habit of getting up early and meeting the Lord before all the chaos ensues.
2. A studier of the Word. I'm a good studier when I have the accountability of a church Bible study. I try to read a little bit every day. I memorize verses with my kids or teach them from verses I've had in my heart for years (thanks to my mom and dad). But I want to be a student of the Word beyond reading a Proverb a day. I want to know and internalize the Truth.
3. Expand my personal training. I love training people in exercise and nutrition. I have very little extra time with homeschooling and nursing. But sometime in the next decade maybe that'll improve. :)
4. Get my family more involved in missions and ministry. We're going to start doing some country studies this year of the missionaries that we're connected with. I want my kids to share the gospel boldly and have a deep understanding of Jesus' love for us and others.
5. Learn a new skill. I have no idea what that might be at this point. Something along the creative vein probably.
It's almost 10:30 and my brain is shutting down. Sweet dreams :)