Alayna is eight months old - How is that possible?
We all pass out after this chaotic cleaning frenzy. Only grocery shopping at Walmart parallels the exhaustion of this task! The boys ask to have a bath just about every day at this stage in their young lives and they love playing in the bathtub. I'm hoping this love of cleanliness hangs on. No stinky teenage boys in this house!
oh my goodness!! i was in the nursery this morning... and I'm in love with adorable babies. so i'm in love with your kids. they're so big. i can't wait to see them in one month :)
oh, we have 2 letters the same. sf. maybe because we shared a room for 15 years.
Wow! Alayna is growing so quickly! And the bath tub picture is absolutely adorable. Love it.
aw my "babies" used to take baths together like that. so sweet.
i hate to brake it to you, but i don't have even one teenager (well, in april ill have one. ew) and we don't go a day w/o a shower. or putting on deodorant once (or twice) a day. yeah, boys just stink. but i love them so much :)
very cute pic. i can get lots of laundry folded while my kiddos play in the bath tub! it works great. have a great Monday.
That bathtub pic is one to keep forever ... you can use it as blackmail when they get bigger.
It was at the expo. Nathan got free tickets for the kids from somewhere. I just told whoever I ran into about it. Guess I didn't run into you for a while. You didn't miss a whole lot. There were more flipping people than there were anything else. I was hoping to see some elephants. We stayed for the first half, but the first half of the first half was preliminaries. Kate was quite squirmy once the goldfish were gone. Skip the akdar shrine guys and go to Brarnum and Baily some day.
no way... but pregnancy is a disability. like say a company doesn't give maternity leave... they call it a disability and give you time off. it's kind of offensive.
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